News Slider


11 September 2020 - Griya Idola

Griya Idola, a subsidiary of Barito Pacific Group, takes immediate action to ensure the absolute hygiene level of the building's air circulation. "As ...

26 August 2020 - Griya Idola

In raising environmental awareness to the society, especially inside the institutional workplaces, both government and private companies, Waste4Change...

27 July 2020 - Griya Idola

The environmental initiative plays a significant role in our nature, yet it is unable to come in a flash. It demands plentiful patiently education, a ...

26 July 2020 - Griya Idola

Buildings have extensive direct and indirect impacts on the environment. During its construction, occupancy, and demolition, buildings use energy, wat...

26 July 2020 - Griya Idola

As we live today, carbon dioxide (CO²) from burning toxic fossil fuels is responsible for the majority of pollution. While being non-renewable energy...

22 July 2020 - Griya Idola

Covid19 pandemic has rapidly spread, infecting millions, impacting various sectors including global and national economy activities as the country imp...

21 July 2020 - Griya Idola

As the most exclusive industrial park in western Jakarta, Griya Idola Industrial Park has been joined by hundreds of companies and industrial business...

21 June 2020 - Griya Idola

Environmental Government Officer (Dinas Lingkungan Hidup) arranged a special visitation to Wisma Barito Pacific (WBP) as the case-study to get the rea...

1 March 2020 - Griya Idola

In order to increase investment opportunities through Industrial Estates (KI) in Indonesia, the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) has conducted a surv...